
OC VOTE: Term Limits in Fountain Valley

I-Fountain Valley, Term Limits

Vote Count Percentage
Yes 17389 73.9%
No 6128 26.1%

Our beloved city of Fountain Valley has become a place people drive through instead of a destination for business. More and more companies are leaving Fountain Valley to set up shop in our neighboring towns. Many businesses are afraid to come here all together because of outdated policies. Incumbents have ignored innovative planning recommendations that would attract top-selling companies and increase city revenue.

Instead, because of the current “That’s the way it’s always been done” mentality of council, Fountain Valley is losing revenue and being passed up by neighboring cities. One of the biggest age groups in the retail market, people from ages 16-28, go to Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, or Irvine to do their shopping. We are missing out on a huge revenue source.

Due to this lack of vision, council has made huge cuts to our fire department, police department, and community services to try and make up for all the lost revenue. If we stay on the cutting edge we would not have to make so many cuts to vital city services.

The incumbents’ best idea to combat this was to paint a sign reading, “Shop In Fountain Valley” on our water tower. Painted signs and wishful thinking are not a business plan for growth. It is time we listen to business leaders and the consumers and provide them what they want. It will be a win-win situation for everybody. The consumers will get a convenient shopping experience and the city will increase its revenues. The old adage of “If you build it they will come” is true. It is time for a new voice, new vision, and new leadership to take Fountain Valley into the new decade.

It is time to let progress show again in our town and make Fountain Valley the best place to live in America.


YOU voted for term limits of 12 years for city council members. When the same people are in charge for too long, organizations become stale and ineffective. In this election you can show that your voice matters.

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