
A leader influences in ten ways: Through their character, excellence in work ethic, vision they cast, the environment they create, relationships they develop, choices they make, growth they seek, love they show, service they give, and in the lives they elevate.


LEADERSHIP is the daily development of self in order to provide life-long service to others; elevating their lives by influencing them to be their personal best. Leaders set action in motion by effectively communicating their vision and empowering others to work as a team to accomplish shared goals. The best way to lead is by example.

I begin each morning by expressing gratitude for the day, for you must first be grateful before you can have a great day. I then asked myself this guiding question: “How can I be of service to others?” My mindset of gratitude and spirit of service form the foundation of my life. For I believe once you fully give is when you begin to fully live.

A person is not ready to lead until they are eager to listen. My neighbors, I am all ears. Leadership is not developed in a day, but daily. I have spent the past decade studying the topic of leadership and practicing it – serving in formal positions of leadership as a high school basketball coach, English teacher, writer, and public servant, as I have served on committees and volunteered for many local groups.

My skills of decision making and problem solving, vision and planning, fair and thorough evaluations of all issues, and proven leadership with community groups, will take Fountain Valley from the City of Niceness to the City of Greatness.

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